Our Story
About Us
In the late 1980’s a new concept began to emerge called care/case management. Evolving over the years in various ways and settings, the role of Care Management has attained a well earned reputation for knowledge and expertise around the needs of older adults and their families.
During this time Carol Heape helped develop and institute a care/case management program for El Dorado County Area Agency on Aging (AAA). Due to lack of funding the one year program was not renewed but Carol recognized the value for client/families who were searching for answers. Shortly thereafter in May 1988 Carol went on to establish Elder Options, the first care management/home care company in the Sacramento Region. Being visible in the community, providing one on one support to client/families and caring for each person continues to this day.
Growth and expansion continue to frame Elder Options, Inc. to this day with the goal of helping client/families live life fully every day. Home care services, respite care services, working with long-term care insurance companies along with local, regional and state agency contracts contribute to the depth of services provided to the community. These include:
- Respite Care for children/young adults through Alta California Regional Center.
- Assisted Living Waiver Program (ALWP) for Medi-Cal eligible adults through the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).
- Long-Term Care Benefits for clients w/LTC insurance through Long Term Care Insurance Companies.
- Care Coordination Services for clients w/Multiple Sclerosis through the National M.S. Society – San Diego.
- MSSP/FCSP/Area Agency on Aging/Public Guardian for eligible clients through El Dorado County – Health & Human Services.
- Veterans Transportation Services for Vets needing transportation through a Grant with the Veterans Administration & the El Dorado Community Foundation.
Elder Options, Inc. provides solutions for older adults, individuals with chronic health challenges, and neuro-diverse children/adults and their families. We work with clients/families to ensure a life lived fully every day.